Il POS è un documento obbligatorio per tutte le imprese esecutrici di un cantiere temporaneo o mobile, nonché per tutte le imprese subappaltatrici.
Who is obliged to draw up the OSP (Operational Safety Plan)?
The OSP is a compulsory document for all companies executing a temporary or mobile construction site, as well as for all subcontracting companies, pursuant to Article 17 paragraph 1, letter a), the contents of which are set out in ANNEX XV of Legislative Decree 81/08.
What are the sanctions for failure to draw up the OSP?
Failure to draw up or incomplete drawing up of the Operational Safety Plan may result in heavy penalties for the Employer and may also lead to the suspension of the activity. In particular, the sanctions provided for are: Arrest from three to six months or fine from €3,071.27 to €7,862.44 , for failure to draw up the O.S.P. if the violation is committed in temporary or mobile construction sites where the company carries out work in the presence of particular risks, identified according to Annex XI: arrest from 4 to 8 months or fine from 2. 457.02 to €9,828.05, if the operational safety plan is drawn up in the absence of one or more of the elements set out in Annex XV: fine from €2,457.02 to €4,914.03
The OSP (operational safety plan) is a document that must be drawn up on every construction site and is mandatory for companies that also operate on temporary and mobile construction sites as defined by current legislation. The OSP document must be drawn up by the employer in order to protect workers on construction sites: it contains information on the safety measures to be taken on construction sites in order to reduce the risk of injury to workers.
According to Legislative Decree 81/2008, the Operational Safety Plan (OSP) must be drawn up by each employer of the executing companies (including sole traders) prior to the commencement of work at the construction site and must contain
Our service is aimed at all craft companies with up to 15 employees and based in Italy. By purchasing the SOP drafting service, you can fulfil your legal obligation quickly and effortlessly, thus avoiding the risk of heavy penalties.
The OSP (operational safety plan), according to former Article 96 of Legislative Decree 81/2008, is not compulsory when the activities to be carried out do NOT take the form of a temporary or mobile construction site, as defined by current legislation (e.g. maintenance activities).
The technical operators at Sicurezza Online offer a specialised assistance and consultancy service to draw up the operational safety plan depending on the client company and the location of the worksite.
Once you have purchased the service, you will receive a check list to be completed with the company information that characterises your activity. This document must be sent to the email address [email protected] attaching the company's Chamber of Commerce certificate and the PSC of the worksite for which the SOP is requested. On the basis of this information, thanks to the use of innovative software and our 20 years' experience in drafting SOPs, we will draft the SOP for your company within 10 working days and without the need for on-site inspections. If you have any doubts or need to discuss specific issues in more detail, you will be contacted by telephone.