The RLS is the figure who represents the employers before the Employer for safety and is elected by the workers according to the number of employees in the company.

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Who is the RLS course aimed at?
The course complies with Decree 81/2008 and provides skills on the main techniques for controlling and preventing risks. The RLS course is aimed at employers' safety representatives (as defined in Art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08, Consolidation Act on Safety) and is delivered using FAD (Synchronous Distance Learning) mode only, as e-learning is not permitted in all collective labour agreements.

An employer who does not fulfil the mandatory training of the employee representative is liable to a sanction ranging from arrest, from 2 to 4 months, to a fine, from €1,474.21 to €6,388.23.

What can I do once I have completed the course?
The training relates to the specific risks of the environments in which the RLS exercises his representation. The aim is to ensure that the Employers' Safety Representative has adequate skills in the main techniques for controlling and preventing these risks. The employer who is elected RLS is obliged to undergo a 32-hour training course and annual refresher training.

Purchase Validity
Once purchased you will receive a single-use code to unlock the course on our online platform.
The code will be valid for 4 months, if not used within this period of time it will be necessary to repurchase the code.






What does the RLS course consist of?

The RLS (Workers' Safety Representatives) course aims to provide an adequate level of knowledge to recognise risks in the workplace and to implement all the necessary practices to control and prevent them. The recipients of the course are the future Workers' Safety Representatives (as defined in Article 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08, Consolidated Safety Act). 

Various topics will be covered during the course: 

  • The legislative system in relation to worker safety; 
  • Civil and criminal liability; 
  • The necessary criteria for identifying risks;
  • Risks related to work equipment, video terminals, stress, origin and gender, company relations and communication with the company.
Who is the RLS and what does he/she do?

Who is the RLS and what does he/she do?

The RLS, which stands for ‘Workers’ Safety Representative', is a professional figure created in 1994 with Legislative Decree 626 and is fundamental in the management of health and safety at work. It is the worker elected or designated to represent colleagues in matters related to risk prevention and safety protection in the company. His role is to ensure that all the rules laid down by law are complied with, collaborating with the employer and the Prevention and Protection Service Manager (RSPP).

Who is the RLS and what does he/she do?

The RLS has three fundamental rights and duties:

  • Access: he/she may have access to workplaces and risk documentation.
  • Consultation: he must be involved by the employer on planning and risk assessment.
  • Training: he has the right to specific training to prevent and manage risks.

These duties make him central in the protection of workers' safety.

Why is the RLS important?

The presence of an RLS in a company is not only a legal obligation, but is a real benefit for everyone as it ensures that every worker has an authoritative voice in safety management, promoting a safer and more serene working environment.

Tasks of the RLS

The main tasks of the RLS include:

  • Monitoring compliance with safety regulations.
  • Participate in periodic company safety meetings.
  • Report any risks to workers' health to the employer.
  • Collaborate in drawing up the Risk Assessment Document (DVR).

In summary, the RLS is the point of contact between workers and management for all safety-related matters.

Tasks of the RLS

Who appoints the RLS in the company?

The RLS (Workers' Safety Representative) is elected directly by the workers during a company assembly, or, in the absence of agreement, may be appointed by trade union representatives. His election is a right of all workers and is a fundamental step in guaranteeing their safety.

When is the RLS compulsory in a company?

The appointment of an RLS is mandatory in all companies, regardless of their size or sector of activity. However, if workers decide not to elect one, the employer must refer to a territorial or external RLS, identified through bilateral bodies.

Differences between RLS and RSPP

A common question is: what is the difference between RLS and RSPP? The answer is simple:

  • The RLS represents the workers and is an internal figure who is responsible for reporting problems and ensuring compliance.
  • The RSPP (Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service) is a technician, internal or external to the company, appointed by the employer, who has the task of analysing and managing safety risks.

Becoming a Workers' Safety Representative means making a difference in the company, protecting colleagues and ensuring a safe working environment. With our RLS training course, you can acquire all the skills necessary to perform this role professionally and effectively. Invest in your growth and safety: enrol today and become the point of reference for safety in your company!

Reference Standards

  • Civil Code, Art. 2087 
  • Law 300/1970 (Employers' Statute), Art. 9 
  • Legislative Decree 626/1994, Articles 18 and 19 
  • Legislative Decree 81/2008, Art. 47-5