RLS updating is provided for annually and is mandatory. An employer who does not fulfil the mandatory training of the RLS (elected by the workers) will be sanctioned.
Who is the RLS course aimed at?
Our training course is aimed at employers who hold the position of RLS (Employers' Safety Representative). National collective bargaining regulates the modalities of the periodic updating obligation, the duration of which cannot be less than 4 hours per year for companies that employ between 15 and 50 employers and 8 hours per year for companies that employ more than 50 employers. It is governed by Article 37 paragraphs 10 and 11 of Legislative Decree 81/08, Legislative Decree 106/09 and the State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011.
RLS updating is provided for annually. An employer who does not fulfil the mandatory training of the employers' representative is liable to a sanction ranging from arrest, from 2 to 4 months, to a fine, from €1,474.21 to €6,388.23.
What does the course briefly consist of?
The contents of the course will provide participants with all the useful and necessary elements for carrying out the task of employers' safety representative. The course will provide notions from a regulatory, behavioural and organisational perspective.
What can I do once I have completed the course?
The training relates to the specific risks of the environments in which the RLS exercises his/her representation. The aim is to ensure that the Employers' Safety Representative has adequate skills in the main techniques for controlling and preventing these risks.
Purchase Validity
Once purchased you will receive a single-use code to unlock the course on our online platform.
The code will be valid for 4 months, if not used within this period of time it will be necessary to repurchase the code.
The employers' safety representative is established at territorial or sector, company and production site level. In all companies or production units, the employers' safety representative is elected or appointed. In companies or production units employing up to 15 employers, the employers' safety representative is as a rule directly elected by the employers within them or is appointed for several companies in the territorial area.
In companies or production units with more than 15 employers, the employers' safety representative is elected or appointed by the employers within the framework of the trade union representations in the company. In the absence of such representations, the representative is elected by the employers within the company.
The RLS refresher course can be delivered in e-learning mode. Various topics will be covered during the course:
The refresher course consists of a theoretical part and a practical part based on examples taken from real cases. The lecturers are industry professionals with many years of experience in the field of corporate safety. They will provide the participants of the refresher course with all the necessary material to prepare for the final evaluation.
The figure of the RLS was officially created in 1994 with Legislative Decree 626, but already since 1942 there had been some mandates for the employer to protect its employees. The need arose because the employer operates within a working environment whose organisation and scheduling is defined by the entity on which he or she depends: the need to make the internal dynamics more open, empowering and safe for employers was therefore realised.
This legislation was first contained in a series of decrees issued between 1955 and 1956, but over time it has been enriched by the numerous EU directives that overlapped and supplemented the original discipline. Article 50 of Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 imposes a role of primary importance on the RLS, since it is the main party involved in the process of managing workplace safety. The Employers' Safety Representative has three fundamental rights and obligations: