RSPP low-mid-high risk

The Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP) is a figure prescribed by the law on safety at work, responsible for managing safety in the company.

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To whom is the RSPP course addressed?
Pursuant to Article 34, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08, the service is intended for all employers of commercial, craft and intellectual services enterprises where there is the presence of subordinate employers or emmployer partners. The employer who intends to perform the role of RSPP must perform the course according to the ATECO code to which their company belongs, as indicated in the State-Regions Agreement of 21/12/2011.

Are you in doubt about your company's risk class? 
Consult the summary document of Ateco codes to find out whether your company's risk level is low, medium or high.

If the employer does not carry out the course, as required by law, he may be sanctioned in the event of checks. The sanction is an arrest from 3 to 6 or a fine of EUR 3,071.27 to EUR 7,862.44. The employer may appoint another person as RSPP.

What does the course consist of in brief?
The aim of the course is to train employers in fundamental occupational health and safety competences, so that they can directly carry out prevention and protection tasks in the company. The contents of the RSPP course comply with the Agreement between the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, the Minister of Health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on training courses for direct performance.

What does the course allow me to do once completed?
You will receive an RSPP training certificate that can be requested by ATS technicians or by labour inspectors during inspections. Without the certificate, the function of Prevention and Protection Service Manager is vacant.

What happens after purchasing the course?
You will receive an email with the link and credentials to access the e-learning course. As for the FAD part, when scheduled, you will be contacted by a professional from the A&P team who will inform you of the available dates for the lessons.

All our RSPP courses are designed to offer maximum flexibility and quality. Refresher training is divided into 50% e-learning (distance learning with recorded lessons, to allow users to study independently and flexibly), and 50% FAD (live distance learning), so that it can be followed from the comfort of home:

  • Low risk: 16 hours total (8 hours in e-learning + 8 hours in FAD).
  • Medium risk: 32 hours total (16 hours e-learning + 16 hours FAD).
  • High risk: 48 hours total (24 hours e-learning + 24 hours FAD).

Purchase Validity
Once purchased you will receive a single-use code to unlock the course on our online platform.
The code will be valid for 4 months, if not used within this period of time it will be necessary to repurchase the code.






RSPP: who is he and what does he do?

The Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP) is a figure provided for by the Italian legal system (Article 2 of Legislative Decree 81), which is defined as: a person in possession of the professional skills and requirements, as set out in Article 32, and designated by the employer to whom he or she is answerable for coordinating the risk prevention and protection service. The RSPP is a figure regulated by the Consolidated Safety at Work Act who is entrusted with the management of safety in the company. According to Legislative Decree No. 81 of 9 April 2008, the employer is obliged to apply the provisions of the law to protect health and safety in the workplace.

The RSPP identifies hazards, assesses the risks present in the company and defines the actions to be taken to minimise or eliminate these risks. His responsibilities also include drafting the DVR (Risk Assessment Document) and organising training and information activities for workers

Course types

There are three types of courses available

  • low risk: lasting 16 hours and dedicated to companies in the wholesale trade, hotels, restaurants, real estate, etc.; and 
  • medium risk: lasting 32 hours and dedicated to companies in agriculture, fishing, transport, etc.; and 
  • high risk: lasting 48 hours and dedicated to companies in mining, metalworking, car manufacturing, etc.
The RSPP employer course

The RSPP employer course

The RSPP course is designed to offer maximum flexibility and quality. The course is divided into 50% e-learning (distance learning with recorded lessons, to allow users to study independently and flexibly), and 50% FAD (live distance learning), so that it can also be followed comfortably from home.

The employer who intends to carry out the role of RSPP must carry out the course according to the ATECO code to which their company belongs, as indicated in the State-Regions agreement of 21/12/2011:

  • Low risk: 16 hours in total (8 hours in e-learning + 8 hours in FAD).
  • Medium risk: 32 hours total (16 hours in e-learning + 16 hours in FAD).
  • High risk: 48 hours total (24 hours in e-learning + 24 hours in FAD).
The RSPP employer course

The modules of 4 hours each in the RSPP Low Risk course are also common to the other types of course and provide the employer with the general theoretical foundations necessary for the correct performance of prevention and protection tasks in the company. In the RSPP Medio Rischio and RSPP Alto Rischio courses, modules on specific risks are integrated according to the level chosen, including modules B and C, which respectively delve into sector-specific technical risks and the management skills required for the role.

The main topics of the RSPP training course will cover:

  • The legislative system with regard to worker safety. 
  • Civil, criminal and administrative liability and insurance protection. 
  • The risk assessment document (DVR). 
  • The organisational models of safety management. 
  • The main risk factors. 
  • Communication techniques. 
  • Health surveillance.

If you would like more information about our RSPP courses, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you ensure safety in your working environment!