RSPP low-mid-high risk_SxWdPQFxte9t

The obligation to update the RSPP serves to ensure that the employer has the necessary competences to manage occupational risks in accordance with the regulations.

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Who is the RSPP employer update aimed at?
The course is aimed at all employers who already hold the qualification of RSPP. According to current legislation, refresher training must be carried out every 5 years in order to keep skills up-to-date and in line with the latest occupational health and safety regulations and good practice. You cannot attend the RSPP refresher course if you do not have the RSPP training certificate.

Are you in doubt about your company's risk class? 
Consult the summary document of Ateco codes to find out whether your company's risk level is low, medium or high.

If the person in charge of the prevention and protection service (RSPP) does not carry out the compulsory updating, he or she risks administrative sanctions ranging from EUR 2,500 to EUR 6,400 and, in the most serious cases, arrest for up to six months. The RSPP may be subject to civil or criminal liability in the event of accidents or safety violations.

What is the refresher course in brief?
The aim of the course is to update employers with respect to fundamental occupational health and safety skills, so that they can directly perform prevention and protection tasks in the company. The contents of the RSPP refresher course comply with the Agreement between the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, the Minister of Health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on training courses for direct performance.

What does the course allow me to do once completed?
You will receive an RSPP training certificate that can be requested by ATS technicians or by labour inspectors during inspections. Without the certificate, the function of Prevention and Protection Service Manager is vacant.

What happens after purchasing the course?
You will receive an email with the link and credentials to access the e-learning course. As for the FAD part, when scheduled, you will be contacted by a professional from the A&P team who will inform you of the available dates for the lessons.

All our RSPP courses are designed to offer maximum flexibility and quality. The training is divided into 50% e-learning (distance learning with recorded lessons, to allow users to study independently and flexibly), and 50% FAD (live distance learning), so that it can be followed from the comfort of home.

Purchase Validity
Once purchased you will receive a single-use code to unlock the course on our online platform.
The code will be valid for 4 months, if not used within this period of time it will be necessary to repurchase the code.






Why is it necessary to update the RSPP course?

The occupational safety sector is constantly evolving, with new regulations, technologies and methodologies constantly emerging. The obligation to update the RSPP figure stems from the need to ensure that the employer has the necessary knowledge and skills to prevent and manage risks at work in accordance with current regulations. Periodic updating enables the RSPP to:

  1. Always be informed of the latest legislation. The laws and regulations on safety at work are constantly changing to adapt to new challenges and technologies. Keeping up to date allows RSPPs to be aware of the latest regulatory provisions, avoiding sanctions and ensuring the company's legal compliance.
  2. Strengthen technical and practical skills. The introduction of new technologies, equipment and production processes requires in-depth knowledge of the new risks that may arise. Training updates help RSPPs to be prepared to handle these new developments competently and safely.
  3. Ensure a safe working environment for all employees. Every working environment evolves over time, both in terms of internal processes and changes in the sector. Keeping up to date allows RSPPs to adapt to these changes, ensuring that safety measures are always adequate and relevant.
  4. Managing risk situations in the best possible way and preventing incidents. A trained and updated RSPP can more easily identify potential risks and take effective preventive measures. This contributes not only to the safety of employees but also to the general well-being of the working environment and reduces the costs of accidents and injuries.
Modalities of RSPP refresher courses

Modalities of RSPP refresher courses

All our RSPP refresher courses are designed to offer maximum flexibility and quality.

  • Low risk: 6 hours total (e-learning)
  • Medium risk: 10 hours total (e-learning)
  • High risk: 14 hours total (e-learning)
Modalities of RSPP refresher courses

The main topics covered during the lectures will concern:

  • The legislative system with regard to worker safety.
  • Civil, criminal and administrative liability and insurance protection.
  • The risk assessment document (DVR).
  • Organisational safety management models.
  • The main risk factors.
  • Communication techniques.
  • Health surveillance.

Thanks to our flexible structure and quality content, the courses are ideal for anyone who wants to update their skills without giving up the convenience of online training.

If you would like more information about our RSPP refresher courses, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you ensure safety in your working environment!